How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
[…] it hadn't occurred to them that Mo was "on the spectrum," as everyone casually put it lately, just the way people also casually said "chemo," all of it seen as part of the perils of the modern age. (3.62)
Illness, be it mental or physical, is very much a part of life—and in this regard, it's ordinary. But when it comes into your life, it feels anything but.
Quote #2
Depression wasn't anything that she and her friends ever thought about. […] They were trying to figure out the world through a series of experiments, and mental illness was not one of them. (4.1)
Until you have first-hand experience with depression, it's easy not to give it a second's thought. Once it shows up in your life, though, it's impossible to ignore.
Quote #3
It would turn out that he was a little soft-middled because of the medication he took for his depression. Antidepressants were crude then, slapping at depression with a big, clumsy paw. (4.108)
Mental illness comes with all sorts of hardships, and finding the right medication—and dealing with side effects—can be really tough.