Thomas Quotes


Quote 10

"Time to stay out there and see if anything opens up when the walls move. If they still move." […] Although it scared him to death, exploring the Maze—really exploring it—was something he'd wanted to do from the first time he'd learned about it. (38.11, 14)

'Nuff said. (Drops mic, walks away)

Thomas > Chuck

Quote 11

"How could these walls move? They're huge, and they look like they've been standing here for a thousand years." And the idea of those walls closing and trapping him inside this place they called the Glade was downright terrifying. (4.32)

It kind of goes without saying that being enclosed in a space against your will would be terrifying, no matter who or where you are. Through a heaping pile of the unknown into the mix, though, (moving walls?) and this is just the worst.