How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"She takes everything," I said. "She has always taken everything. But I will never forgive her this." (22.92)
Anne crosses the line when she takes Mary's son as a pawn in her game for the throne. To Mary, that's not playing fair. We mean, to anyone, that's not playing fair. But Anne uses whatever weapons are available to her.
Quote #8
"She is Mary, the other Boleyn girl. And I am Anne, Queen Anne to be. There is a world of difference between us two. We don't share a name. She is next to nobody and I will be queen." (32.67)
Anne gloats, too. She's probably been waiting for this moment since Chapter 22, when Mary bragged about her own triumph over Anne. On the other hand, the very things that make Anne succeed where Mary failed (in becoming queen) are the things that will take Anne down in the end, whereas Mary gets to lived happily ever after, at least in comparison.