How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"Have you done it?"
"Yes, ages ago."
"Did it hurt?"
"Very much."
She pulled back to read my face.
"Not too much," I said, qualifying. "He does try to be gentle. He always gives me wine. It's just all rather awful, really." (2.20-2.25)
One of the first things Anne does is ask her sister about sex with her husband. Anne is curious about what it's like, and it's apparent that Mary's pleasure is never considered by her husband.
Quote #2
"A man likes a glimpse of what he's buying." (3.113)
You've heard the saying, why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? Loosening Mary's bodice is like giving Henry a free sample. It's also treating her like a cow. Mary's thought of herself as furniture before; now she can think of herself as livestock to be traded.