How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
There could hardly be a world for me without Anne, there was hardly world enough for us both. (2.9)
Mary and Anne have a symbiotic relationship. Their drive to compete with one another is what keeps them going.
Quote #2
"You can simper at your husband all you like, Mary. When I marry I shall do better than you by far." (4.107)
Anne sees everything as a competition. She even turns getting married into a race of who can marry better than the other. Of course, no one behaves like this anymore, because we know marriage isn't a competition…Oh, wait.
Quote #3
"I was born to be your rival," she said simply. "And you mine. We're sisters, aren't we?" (13.67)
Some sisters steal clothes or toys. Anne Boleyn steals husbands. Because Anne and Mary are members of a scheming, power-hungry political family, their normal sibling rivalry is upped a thousand times; the stakes are really high.