The Piazza Tales Exile Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Sailors, deserting ships at other islands or in boats at sea anywhere in that vicinity, steered for Charles's Isle, as to their sure home of refuge… (5.102)

Here the Galapagos, place of exile, becomes a home. The sailors are going native, like turtles. Sometimes being a turtle is a good thing.

Quote #8

Contrary winds from out unstable skies, or contrary moods of his more varying mind, or shipwreck and sudden death in solitary waves; whatever was the cause, the blithe stranger never was seen again. (5.119)

This is referring to the ship that left Hunilla and her husband and brother on the island. Why the ship never came back, no one knows—part of exile is that you're out of place, and don't know what's happening far off, where you want to be. Exile here seems as much about knowledge as place.

Quote #9

The dogs ran howling along the water's marge: Now pausing to gaze at the flying boat, then motioning as if to leap in chase…. Had they been human beings, hardly would they have more vividly inspired the sense of desolation. (5.172)

Hunilla escapes from exile, but her dogs are left behind. The island is their home, so they're not exactly exiles—but it's one of those things where home is where the heart is, and their hearts are with Hunilla. Poor doggies.