How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Therese stepped out into the street and looked, but the streets were empty with a Sunday morning emptiness. (6.1)
At first glance, the streets mirror Therese's sad isolation. But this could also be seen as pleasant—Therese isn't always disappointed with being alone. Sometimes she prefers it, especially to being with Richard. She has to find the right company.
Quote #8
She hated it. Two of the most boring people she had ever met, a shoe clerk and a secretary, and she knew Richard meant to show her an idea life in theirs, to remind her that they might live together the same way one day. (12.60)
Therese knows that if she marries Richard, and perhaps any man, she has a lifetime of one disappointment after another in front of her. Carol probably felt the same way with Harge, but she gritted her teeth and went through with it anyway. The constant disappointment made her the slightly cold woman she is in the book.