How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Therese did not even see any special lights. "Who's Abby?" (7.55)
This sentence has a layered meaning. The mention of Abby's name clouds Therese's vision—she should be enjoying this special time with Carol, but she's immediately jealous that another woman has entered the picture.
Quote #2
Therese thought with sudden envy, she could not make Carol laugh like that, but Abby could. (7.157)
We think Therese is being insecure here since people comment multiple times that Therese makes Carol laugh. Or maybe they're being sarcastic, and Therese is terrible at making Carol laugh—we never actually see Carol laugh with Therese, so maybe Therese is right to be jealous of Abby.
Quote #3
How well they must know each other, Therese though, so well that nothing either of them said or did to the other could ever surprise, ever be misunderstood. (7.186)
Again, Therese is jealous of Abby, here because she and Carol have a history that Therese and Carol do not. However, Therese will learn that history isn't everything.