The Disappearance of the Prince
- After all of that excitement, it's time for a nap.
- Edward makes Miles undress him, and he takes over Miles's room again. Lucky for him, Miles has a pretty good sense of humor.
- While Edward is asleep, Miles heads out. He returns about 30 minutes later with some new clothes for Edward.
- This is the 16th century, by the way: you can't just pop into H&M and pick up some new threads. Nope: Miles makes these by hand. If you weren't sure what kind of guy Miles Hendon was before this, this scene makes it pretty clear: he's kind of weird.
- Anyway, by the time Miles gets back to the apartment, Edward is gone.
- Someone told Edward to meet Miles on the London Bridge, near to Southwark—that would be the same place where John Canty wanted to meet up.
- Turns out it was a trick. Duh.
- John Canty hired someone to convince the king he was supposed to meet Miles, but he's walking right into a trap.
- Miles is pretty sad about all this, since he thinks of Edward as his adopted son.
- There's a silver lining, though: even though the king is a spoiled brat and was sleeping past noon, he did get out of his bed because he thought Hendon wanted him. How sweet.