The Prince a Prisoner
- After Miles disperses the crowd, Edward is taken to court.
- This is when we find out that Hugo has stolen a big pig (that's what was in the woman's bundle). That wouldn't be such a big deal, but the pig is worth three shillings and eight pence, which is enough to make Edward hang in the gallows.
- Lucky for Edward, the lady is pretty nice and decides to say that her pig is worth eight pence.
- But the story doesn't stop there. When the lady leaves, the constable of the court follows her out. He forces her to sell her pig for eight pence, claiming that he will report her for lying under oath if she doesn't give it to him for the reduced price.
- The woman does it just to save her life, and she goes away crying.
- Meanwhile, Edward is convicted of a lesser charge and ordered to serve time in jail. He doesn't like the sound of this, but Miles has something up his sleeve.