The Quiet American Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Even though my reason wanted the state of death, I was afraid like a virgin of the act. I would have liked death to come with due warning, so that I could prepare myself. For what? I didn't know, nor how, except by taking a look around at the little I would be leaving. (

Fowler longs for death, but that doesn't mean he doesn't fear it. His head and his heart are not on the same page.

Quote #5

Two shots were fired to our front, and I thought, 'This is it. Now it comes.' It was all the warning I wanted. I waited, with a sense of exhilaration, the permanent thing. (

Notice death is again described as the permanent thing. This is language a religious person might use to describe God and heaven.

Quote #6

"I thought I saw her changing – I don't know if she really was, but I couldn't bear the uncertainty any longer. I ran towards the finish just like a coward runs towards the enemy and wins a medal. I wanted to get death over." (

Death here refers to the end of a relationship Fowler had with a woman. He fears losing her, sees signs of impending loss, and so breaks it off to get "death" over with.