How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
She dreamed of giving birth to a daughter, not a human child but a changeling of some kind, a spirit woman. (1.3.39)
You guessed it: this dream totally belongs to Zilpah. These sorts of dreams are a bit unsettling, as they have a sort of demonic feel to them. But hey, Zilpah's used to it.
Quote #2
It was time out of life. It was like a dream. (2.3.21)
Dreams are essentially like a time-out from life—they're when you live, but not in reality. Whoa, living while not living? It's like Inception.
Quote #3
This uncle haunted my dreams and turned the journey that I had loved into a forced march toward certain death. (2.3.79)
Nightmares can have the power to completely distort someone's feelings in the real world. For Dinah and her family, dreams are so powerful that the whole family could be affected by someone else's dream—in this case, the dream in question in Jacob's.