How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Jacob's fear was so great that it had erased all memory of his brother's love. (2.3.78)
Fear is a force that can make you forget everything that's positive. Jacob's fear of his brother Esau makes him forget that Esau really did love him.
Quote #2
My father's fear made Esau into a demon of revenge, whom I imagined red as a fox with arms like tree trunks. (2.3.79)
Fear can alter perceptions and dreams. Living in fear, in fact, is sort of like living in an alternate reality.
Quote #3
"You have no fear of childbirth?" asked my cousin. "What of pain? What if the baby dies?" (2.4.44)
Fear of childbirth and the pain that comes with it is at the forefront of women's minds back in the Bronze Age. Not only did they have to deal with the actual pain of giving birth, but there was also the very real chance that they could die. Now that's scary.