The Rocking-Horse Winner Life, Consciousness, and Existence; Luck Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

"It's as if he had it from heaven, Sir!" Bassett reiterated. (141)

In contrast with the mother's cynicism, Bassett truly believes that the boy has a divine gift.

Quote #5

"Look here, Son," he said. "This sort of thing makes me nervous." (146)

In contrast with Bassett, Uncle Oscar finds something sinister in Paul's abilities—but he exploits Paul for gambling tips anyway. Surely there can be no harm in encouraging his young nephew to gamble. 

Quote #6

"I've got to know for the Derby! I've got to know for the Derby!" the child re-iterated, his big blue eyes blazing with a sort of madness. (184)

Paul has many of the qualities of an ancient seer (think Cassandra in Agamemnon or Galadriel in The Lord of the Rings) with his lunacy and mysterious remarks.