The Rocking-Horse Winner Life, Consciousness, and Existence; Luck Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #10

"I never told you, Mother, that if I can ride my horse, and get there, then I'm absolutely sure – Oh absolutely! Mother, did I ever tell you? I am lucky!" (241)

Paul is so distraught that he's forgotten that he has told his mother that he's lucky.

Quote #11

"My God, Hester, you're eighty-odd thousand to the good, and a poor devil of a son to the bad […]" (244)

Words such as "God," "good," "devil," and "bad" sound strange on Oscar's lips, since his values are so immoral. His actions over the course of the story have demonstrated how much he values money over his nephew's well-being. (Hint: The money always wins.)