

Character Role Analysis


Moonfist is the enemy who wants to take the ring from Tilja and keep all of Faheel's extraordinary powers for himself. He originally appears in the form of a big hand when Tilja and Meena use Axtrig on the walls of Talagh, and Faheel admits there's some big threat looming in the distance.

Moonfist really comes into play, though, when Tilja is carrying the ring and the Ropemaker hasn't shown up yet. She's constantly afraid that Moony will pop up and steal the ring from her, thereby giving himself unlimited magical powers and condemning the Valley to a magic-less existence—which means soldiers can come and conquer it, and her family's life will be destroyed When Moonfist finally does show up, it takes all of Tilja's—and the Ropemaker's—strength to fight him off and stop him from gaining ultimate power.

Yup—Moonfist is classic antagonist material.