How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
The image of Chuck taking that knife for him popped into his head. And that did it. Snapped him out of those nanoseconds of frozen doubt and fear. (59.10)
The fear of dying looms in all of the Gladers' minds, but Chuck's death actually helps Thomas overcome his fear of death. In a way, it was a form of desensitization.
Quote #8
Maybe for the first time since entering the Glade weeks earlier, Thomas felt no fear. He didn't know if he'd ever feel it again. (61.9)
Unfortunately, that's wishful thinking. Fear affects everyone, no matter how much they've been exposed to it before. Thomas will find this out soon enough.
Quote #9
No more fear. No more shock. No more questioning. Take what comes. Play along. Pass the tests. Pass the Trials. (61.33)
The best way to block out fear, for Thomas, is action. Focusing on something, like passing the Trials, is a good way for Thomas and the Gladers to avoid letting their fear take over.