How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
Thomas found himself liking this girl. She'd just drawn blood from his best friend, but he liked her. Maybe, in a small part, because of that. (29.50)
Best friends can be a pretty big nuisance at times—after all, you learn all of their positive and negative qualities—so when you see someone make your best friend look a little silly, that can sometimes pique your interest. In this case, Thomas starts to like Brenda after she makes Minho look bad.
Quote #5
But what if some of them had been captured by whoever had set off the explosion? Or killed? And who had attacked them? Concern seemed to bleed his heart dry as they ran along. (30.5)
Thomas's concern for his fellow Gladers shows how friendship means a whole lot to him. Without his friends, Thomas doesn't feel right—he needs his friends in order to feel whole.
Quote #6
"I think it would be easier to make it through with fewer people. I'm not really great friends with any of those Cranks. Not like you and your... Gladers." (30.57)
Brenda doesn't have a very strong bond with anyone, which makes her something of a lone renegade. It's a lot easier to get through tough times when you're in a group, as even Brenda finds out, but she does always remain a little distant.