How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"I offered you a drink," Long Hair said again, this time any sign of kindness gone from his tattooed face. "It would be very rude to turn such an offer down." (37.37)
Here's an example of someone who isn't completely crazy—but who's starting to go crazy. Long Hair is a Crank who has a sudden mood swing when Thomas refuses his drink; this sudden change in mood isn't normal, especially given how sinister Long Hair's new mood is.
Quote #8
"Maybe we can be happy until we're past the Gone." She smiled then, a sickening, disturbing smile. "Then you can kill me." (37.49)
See, this is why Brenda scares the heebie-jeebies out of us. Our guess is that she's not exactly all there, and that the Flare has already started to eat away at her brain.
Quote #9
"Nice to meet you ...I'm a Crank. I'm slowly going crazy. I keep wanting to chew off my own fingers and randomly kill people. Thomas here promised to save me." (57.19)
Oh, Brenda, even though you're crazy, you still have a pretty solid sense of humor. (Unlike, ahem, the pretty sane Thomas.)