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Madness Quotes in The Scorch Trials

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

One of them gagged and spit violently, like he was trying to rid himself of an organ or two. A woman laughed, so full of madness the sound made Thomas shudder. (32.13)

Now that'll give ya nightmares. We don't even know what else to say to that.

Quote #5

"Little booooooy," the man said..."Little girrrrrrrrl. Come out come out make a sound make a sound. I want your noses." (32.16)

This is something straight out of a horror movie or a particularly gruesome fairy tale. It's almost like the kids are being forced to confront their worst childhood fears here.

Quote #6

If he hadn't had the Flare before—a slim hope that Rat Man had lied—he'd surely caught it by now. (34.25)

Thomas eventually start to think he has the Flare. His logic? His life is crazy, so he must be crazy. Think of it: with all of these Cranks running around and all of these crazy Variables, it's pretty hard not to think you're the one going crazy.