How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
If he'd been funny in his old life, every scrap of humor had certainly vanished in the memory swipe. (23.33)
Yeah, that's probably not how it works. Either you're funny, or you ain't.
Quote #8
Thomas was quiet. Maybe more strongly than ever before, he felt that a memory—an important one—was trying to squeeze its way through the cracks in the wall blocking him from his past. (35.25)
We've all had this moment. It's like when you're thinking of a word, and it's on the tip of your tongue, but you just can't seem to spit the darn thing out. For Thomas, it's a little more important than that, because he's actually trying to reconstruct his identity as he searches through what memories he still sort of has.
Quote #9
With a jolt he remembered the tag outside her door back in the dorm. The Betrayer. He'd completely forgotten about it until that moment. Things started to make more sense. (46.9)
How, we ask, could Thomas possibly forget that Teresa was labeled The Betrayer? This memory baffles us, since seeing your best friend labeled as The Betrayer should be a massive red flag. Right? Well, sometimes love blinds you, we guess.