How It All Goes Down
- The captors and the captive reach Group B's camp at the top of the mountain.
- Thomas learns that the dark-skinned girl is Harriet, and a reddish-blonde girl is Sonya.
- These girls act like they're next in line to Teresa.
- Teresa then orders the girls to tie Thomas to a tree. Ouch, she's pretty harsh.
- At this point, Thomas absolutely hates Teresa. He's totally not into this. But at least he's fed. That's sort of a plus.
- Harriet and Sonya keep looking at Thomas throughout the night, so he finally speaks up and asks them if they really want to kill him.
- Harriet's all like, Yeah, we do, nanna nanna boo-boo—and she sticks out her tongue at him.
- Then Sonya clarifies: if they don't kill Thomas, WICKED won't let them get to the safe haven.
- Remember, people—Thomas's tattoo did say he was to be killed by Group B. And Teresa's label said she was The Betrayer.
- Just a friendly reminder.
- Back to Thomas and the girls. Teresa comes back and tells the girls to shut up.
- Thomas asks Teresa what he did to her, and she's all like, You know what you did.
- Uh, no. Thomas has no idea.
- Teresa walks away, and Thomas decides that he needs to sleep, and he needs to stay alive. Woo, at least he isn't giving up.