How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
He lost all concept of time as he lay there. It was as if whoever was behind it all wanted to give him a chance to reflect on what had happened while he waited for the end. (52.3)
Now that's what we call torture. Sometimes having too much time to reflect is definitely not a good thing.
Quote #8
An hour passed. Maybe two or three. Maybe only thirty minutes. He had no idea. (52.4)
Ever had one of those moments where you're at an utter loss for time? Well that's how Thomas feels, except he's caught in a situation in which he's about to be killed. What he needs to here, it seems, is act rather than reflect. But how is he supposed to act if he doesn't even understand his situation?
Quote #9
Thomas knew they couldn't waste any more time. No questions, no fear, no bickering. Only action. (61.1)
Carpe diem. Seize the day. Time is money. Wasting time. All of these phrases are just ways of telling us that when we think about how time is passing, we're inhibiting ourselves from acting. Sometimes, of course, this is necessary. But what if you think too much and never end up acting?