The Scorpio Races Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Scorpio Races? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What are the names of Dory Maud's two sisters?

Elizabeth and Alice
Elizabeth and Annie
Lizbeth and Annie
Blanche and Rose
Q. Who is the priest on Thisby with the red car?

Father Mooneyham
Father Falk
Father Printz
Father Dowling
Q. What are the first names of the Carroll brothers?

Finn and Gabe
Brian and Jonathan
Timmy and Tommy
Lewis Jr. and Lewis III
Q. Who is the American horse buyer who spends a lot of time at Malvern's stables?

Tommy Falk
Beech Gratton
George Holly
Holly Golightly
Q. What is the name of the man who Corr kills, and who Puck feels partially responsible for his death?
