The Secret Life of Bees Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I ran up the stairs and grabbed Rosaleen from behind, stopping her with one foot poised in the air, searching for the next step. I wrapped my arms around her middle. 'I love you,' I blurted out, not even knowing I was going to say this (14.66).

As you can tell, the end of the novel is pretty much a big love fest. While Lily always knew Rosaleen loved her, here she makes sure that Rosaleen gets the same in return.

Quote #8

I had never known T. Ray to worship anyone except Snout, the dog love of his life, but seeing him now, I knew he'd loved Deborah Fontanel, and when she'd left him, he'd sunk into bitterness (14.149).

In a less tender moment, Lily realizes that T. Ray really did love her mother only when he goes into a murderous rage over the fact that Lily left him just like Deborah did.

Quote #9

I looked one last time at the highway. I remember thinking that he probably loved me in his own smallish way. He had forfeited me over, hadn't he? (14.215).

Similarly, Lily finds evidence of T. Ray's love for her in a surprising place: his willingness to give her up. What do you make of that?