The Secret Life of Bees True or False

1. Who said the following: "Most people don't have any idea about all the complicated life going on inside a hive. Bees have a secret life we don't know anything about." -> August
2. How about this one: "We can't think of changing our skin […] Change the world—that's how we gotta think." Who said that one? -> Zach
3. For the following quote, name the speaker and the person addressed: "Don't you worry, they're gonna make 'em write their names in perfect cursive and refuse them a card if they forget so much as to dot an I or make a loop in their y." -> Speaker: Mr. Bussey; Person addressed: T. Ray
4. Who said the following: ". . . I looked around me, and it was like seeing everything through a train's thick window. A blur passed before me. A moving wave of color. I am not one of you, I thought." -> Lily
5. Who departed from Lily by saying 'Good riddance." -> T. Ray
