How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
She couldn't stand when I was stubborn. But I got that from her, so she shouldn't have been surprised. (1.8)
Strong women give birth to other strong women. At least that's what they say. (Well, it would be more accurate to say that they give birth to strong babies, but that just sounds weird. You get what we're saying.) The Singer household is no exception to this rule.
Quote #2
His eyes came up for the briefest of moments, and I suddenly understood. He didn't want to ask this of me. He would want me to go. (1.56)
While America's relationship with her mom can be a little tense at times, her relationship with her dad is all hugs and kisses. Totally adorbs. Even though she gives her mom a hard time, however, America needs to realize that her mom loves her just as much as her dad does.
Quote #3
"Aspen, I know you could do it. But you're not a superhero. You can't expect to be able to provide everything for everyone you love." (2.42)
One of the reasons America is so in love with Aspen is that he's unflinchingly dedicated to his family. He'd do anything for his brothers and sisters, but given that he's a Six (one of the lowest levels in Illéa's awful caste system), even that might not be enough.