How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Did they not like all these strange young girls in their house? Were they only all here because of blood and duty? I didn't know what to make of this invisible family. (17.138)
America has been living at the palace for some time now, but she still doesn't feel like she knows the royal family. That feels weird to her. It's like being invited over to a sleepover at a friend's house, but when you come over, you find out that they're on vacation. Of course, this is even more complicated, because the family in question happens to be royalty.
Quote #8
The cameras were focused on Gavril now, but I watched Maxon and his parents. I didn't understand why their reactions were mixed. (18.99)
America's view of the royal family is complicated even further once she begins seeing the king and queen as individuals. The king seems quiet and intelligent, but not too compassionate. In contrast, the queen seems truly empathetic and kind to those around her.
Quote #9
I thought about what Elayna had said. If I ended up living in the palace, would I expect my family to change? (19.56)
While becoming a princess would undeniably help her family in a material way, America can't help but wonder if the experience might be too much of a culture shock for them. What if it changes them—for the worse?