The Sky is Everywhere Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

She's pacing now, has lit another cigarette, is chain smoking in glee—a naked smokestack maniac. I'm so happy to be hanging out with the marvel that is my best friend Sarah. And I'm so happy to be happy about it. (19.22)

There are so many different types of love in The Sky is Everywhere. While the romantic love is fun, the book is by no means limited to that—Sarah's been a great friend to Lennie through the tragedy, and this is the first (but not the last) time that Lennie looks at her with love. It's like she's rediscovering her friend after a long trip.

Quote #5

"Okay, stop for a second." She's still smiling but she looks a bit worried and surprised too. "Lennie, you're not in love, you're demented. I've never heard anyone talk about a guy like this." (20.24)

This is no he's-taking-me-to-prom level romance. The love Lennie has for Joe is a full-on, no holds barred, Wuthering Heights type of love. To Sarah, it seems crazy because it's so intense. Which is actually similar to how Lennie used to feel about Bailey's love for Toby.

Quote #6

He looks at me then so nakedly, it makes me lightheaded, like I need to lie down even though I'm lying down. (23.87)

The way Joe bares his whole self to Lennie, and never holds back, is a pretty good sign he's in love with her. It's also a sign that he trusts her completely… which may complicate things later.