The Sky is Everywhere Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

We walk in silence through the woods and it snaps me back to my senses. The stars and moon are mostly hidden over the thick tree cover, and I feel like I'm swimming through darkness, my body breaking the air as if it were water. (10.44)

How do you think Lennie's feeling in this moment? She can't see the sky, and she feels as if the air has mass that she has to push through. Remember, during this stroll, she's thinking a lot about Bailey.

Quote #5

I look into his sorrowless eyes and a door in my heart blows open.

And when we kiss, I see that the other side of that door is the sky. (15.27-28)

Before looking at Joe opens Lennie's metaphorical door, what is the door in Lennie's heart blocking out? What is it keeping in?

Quote #6

I make her tell me everything about her night with Luke so I don't have to think about Toby's text, what might be so urgent. Then we climb up to the falls and get under them, screaming F*** over and over into the roar like we've done since we were little.

I scream bloody murder. (20.52-53)

We don't even need to ask you how Lennie's feeling in this scene. The cursing kind of gives it away. We're glad she has the falls, though—screaming into them sounds pretty therapeutic.