The Solitary Reaper Resources


The Complete Wordsworth

It might take you ten years to read all of these, but it would sure be worth it.

W.W.'s Bio

If you don't feel like reading a whole, book-length biography, this will definitely do temporarily.

Romanticism, in a Nutshell

Check out this great overview of the major themes of Romanticism.

What About Scotland?

Well, you really can't talk about Romanticism without talking about Scotland now can you?

Tour the Lake District

Fancy a scenic tour? Try this place, where Wordsworth lived for a long time.


Wordsworth Doc

Want to learn more about our poet? Check out this documentary (in two parts).

Animated Reaper

She reads a little fast, but the cool animation makes up for it.


British Reading

Here's a reading of the poem by a dude with a perfect British voice.

The Solitary Librivox'er

Yep, the massive audio website has a version of this poem, too.


Deep in Thought

Well, our man's definitely solitary, but it doesn't look like he's doing any reaping.

Older Wordsworth

Here's a famous depiction of the poet.

A Solitary Reaper

This painting looks pretty Romantic to us, too.

Poems, in Two Volumes

This is what you would have seen when you opened Wordsworth's book in 1807.

The Hebrides

They look pretty, but kind of cold.

Articles and Interviews

Ruthless Wordsworth

Who knew? Apparently our man was also a bit of real estate tycoon.


Norton Critical Edition

Here's a new edition of many of Wordsworth's most famous poems—just fabulous.

Movies & TV


Here's a film about the friendship between Wordsworth and Coleridge. It looks a little scary now, doesn't it?