
What can't you find on this site? It's sponsored by the Maine Historical Society.

This page features four sonnets that Longfellow wrote about his experience translating Dante.

His was certainly an eventful life, that's for sure.

Here's another site, just in the case the previous one isn't for you.

This site has links to just about all of Longfellow's poems, translations, and other works.

Check out this short, but sweet, tribute to Longfellow.

This kid did a fantastic job on this project, that's for sure.

This reading of the poem offers some great accompanying images, but a strange (sad?) tone.

If you fancy a four-hour Native American tale, this audio recording's for you.

Check out this great color painting.

Yep folks, he once lived in this cool-looking brick house in Portland, Maine.

We weren't lying about Longfellow being in Westminster Abbey. Check it out for yourself right here.

This was his house when he lived in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It was also George Washington's headquarters during the Revolutionary War at one point.

Look, Google has the whole thing for free.

In this novel Longfellow and his pals have to solve a crime in Massachusetts.

It's slim pickings for biographies of Longfellow, but we did manage to find this one.