The Usual Rules The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

It was nothing like their refrigerator back in Brooklyn, with half a dozen different kinds of cheeses and the crisper drawer crammed full of vegetables that her mother used to complain were always more than they needed [...]

Here there was a stick of beef jerky and a package of sliced turkey breast. Store-bought tomato sauce. A couple of eggs. Margarine. Never trust a person with margarine in their fridge, Josh told her once. (13.11-12)

Back in New York City, Wendy's house was always filled with lots of healthy food and ingredients for lavish meals. But Garrett's house is obviously a lot different—he just has some basics. This will take some getting used to…

Quote #5

Josh wanted to do everything—stockings, Santa's footprints on the rug, like he'd stepped in the ashes of the fireplace and tracked them all over the place. Corny presents for her mother, and the red vest he always put on Christmas morning. Christmas dinner he'd make a buche de Noel and set poppers next to their places. (28.11)

Wow, Josh is really into this whole fatherhood thing. Whenever the holidays roll around, he spares no expense turning their entire home into a Christmas wonderland for the kids.

Quote #6

At Garrett's house, you wouldn't have known the holiday was coming.

I'm not so big on all this Christmas hullabaloo, he said. Christmas was still a week away, but he was complaining that he couldn't turn on a radio anymore without hearing carols. (28.105-106)

In contrast with Josh's Christmas cheer, Garrett doesn't seem to care much for the holidays. His house looks pretty much the same all year round, so that Wendy can't even really tell that Christmas is fast approaching.