The Usual Rules The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

There's a girl I thought I'd look up, he tells me. She said I could drop in on her if I didn't have a place to go for the holidays. He shows me the piece of paper with Wendy's name on it. My own damn address.

I was remembering what you told me about how a person shouldn't be alone on Christmas, Todd said to Wendy. (29.119-120)

What are the odds Todd would give Garrett his very own address? It's clear that Todd needed a home for the holidays—and Wendy's family is there to provide just that.

Quote #8

Wendy looked across the table at Todd, his plate piled high with turkey, stuffing, and yams. I can't believe all this great stuff, he said. I feel like I'm on The Waltons. Eat hearty, John-boy, Carolyn said. There's plenty more where that came from. (29.163-164)

Even though Garrett's house may not be filled with Christmas decorations like Wendy's apartment in New York City, it still serves as a nice home to host the holidays for a bunch of people who don't have anywhere else to go—like Alan, Tim, Violet, Walter Charles, and Todd.

Quote #9

The days passed. Carolyn kept sleeping over at Garrett's house. Nobody said anything, it just seemed to happen. Then she started bringing plants over. Not all, just certain of her favorites. (30.1)

It looks like Garrett is allowing more and more people to share his former bachelor pad with him. First he invites Wendy to come live with him… and now Carolyn seems to be moving in.