The Usual Rules The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Really it's more like we get up, go to work, stop by the deli on the way home to pick up something for dinner and maybe a video. I might put in a couple hours on my homework while he's doing his assignments for this correspondence course on mechanical drafting he signed up for[...] Days off, we get to go snowboarding free at the mountain where his friend works, but it's a rare night we haven't hit the sack by ten-thirty. Funny thing is, I was never this happy in my whole life.(31.12)

Todd has never had a home in his entire life, so it's especially gratifying for him to find his brother and get an apartment together with him. Even though he has to work a lot now, he's never been happier because he's finally home.