The White Darkness Deception Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I'm sorry to break it to you, Victor, old man," he said loudly, calling from where he sat on the metal steps, "but I'm afraid I've been keeping you short on a few facts." (14.75)

When Manfred tells Victor he's "been keeping [him] short on a few facts," he means he's been lying his face off. In this regard, Manfred and Victor are kind of a match made in heaven—they both lie constantly.

Quote #8

"I find an obsessive with money to burn and I take it off him. It's what I do. I'm good!" (14.79)

Here Manfred finally admits to being a con man. Victor doesn't seem to care, though. Why's that? Oh, because he's been deceiving Manfred all along, too. Go team.

Quote #9

But he believed me, because he had learned better than to believe his eyes in Antarctica. (15.43)

In Antarctica, as in life, looks can be deceiving and seeing is not believing.