The White Darkness Loneliness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Don't struggle! Keep still!" I said, knowing he wouldn't understand me. Never could, never will be able to make myself understood. A goldfish speaking gibberish, that's me. (16.6)

Sym sometimes feels isolated because of her hearing loss, but she also feels isolated because she can't articulate the ideas that are in her head. She constantly feels misunderstood.

Quote #8

In fact my Titus never existed. Just a pretend friend. Just someone I invented, out of loneliness. (19.89)

Sym rarely feels alone because she always has someone to talk to: Titus, her imaginary friend. He's pretty good company for someone who doesn't really exist.

Quote #9

It's true: Everyone needs a reason to stay alive—someone who justifies your existence. Someone who loves you. (21.68)

Sometimes Sym feels like Titus, her imaginary friend, is the only person in the world who loves her. So when she finds out her father really loved her—she always assumed that he didn't—it's really important.