The White Darkness Man vs. Nature Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

In Antarctica, in the cold, wounds don't heal, they reopen. It's Nature in reverse. (17.2)

Imagine a place so unnaturally cold it can turn a scar into a living wound. Just when we thought we generally knew how our bodies worked, nature had to come along and upend everything.

Quote #8

They say The Ice tries to break a man open and reduce him to the essence. Won't find anything inside me, eh, Titus? (19.2)

Hey, it's fine to break open a walnut. But a person? That just seems rude.

Quote #9

The effect is the same up here—polar asthma. The air is thin, the pressure is low, and each breath has only half the oxygen in it. Your pulse races and your heart thumps like a person trying to get out of a sealed coffin. (19.20)

This sounds kind of like drowning in a way, doesn't it? Unable to breathe properly, frantic, and all that good stuff. Note that a person trying to get out of a sealed coffin isn't dead… yet.