The White Darkness Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Still startling, though. In the end. When Death won't take no for an answer." (10.146)

Titus is often flippant when he speaks to Sym about his own death, but here he shows a more serious side. Notice that "Death" is personified here—it "won't take no for an answer" just like your mom.

Quote #5

Suddenly the lack of gloves made Bruch real again—flesh-and-blood real, not a character in a play, not an object of disgust, but someone who had given Sigurd his first acting job, his big break, his first script. (15.22)

Until they learn Manfred was poisoned, Sym and Sigurd assume he will die of exposure. Thinking of his uncovered hands is almost too much to bear because it makes his death seem all the more real.

Quote #6

"I've been easing him out of the picture ever since we left base camp! A little something toxic in every hot drink he drank. I just made the last one plenty strong." (15.26)

Victor's manner here is so nonchalant, he might as well be talking about the weather. Of course, he's not; he's talking about murdering Manfred Bruch. So it goes with Victor.