The White Darkness Sex and Sexuality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Then he kissed me on the mouth and told me again not to tell my mother. (9.65)

Sym and Sigurd sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Oh, and BTW, this is Sym's first kiss. While Sym totally doesn't notice it, Sigurd's using kissing as a way to make sure she doesn't call her mom. Ugh.

Quote #5

While we kissed, I couldn't quite help thinking, "Well, that's my diploma in Kissing out of the way." […] I'm not sure kissing ought to be a thinking kind of pastime. (10.57-10.58)

Though Sym seems to be maturing, she's still very self-conscious. She's also ambivalent about kissing, which isn't as all-consuming as she expected it to be—she can totally still think about other things while locking lips.

Quote #6

What nursery am I locked in that I can't get out and go downstairs and join in the grown-up games? Can't want to join in? Am I like those poor kids who wait and wait for their growth spurt and it never comes? (12.93)

Worse than the realization that she's not interested in sex is the concern that she may never be interested in sex. Sym just wants to be like everyone else. Fun fact: Plenty of people aren't interested in sex and lead totally happy lives.