The Zoo Story Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (line number)

Quote #4

I'll tell you why I do it; I don't talk to many people—except to say like: give me a beer, or where's the john, or what time does the feature go on, or keep your hands to yourself, buddy. You know—things like that. (65)

Jerry is saying he doesn't talk to very many other people, but every so often he grabs a stranger and talks at them for a long time. He's saying (maybe not intentionally) that he's lonely.

Quote #5

I didn't mean to seem…'s that you don't really carry on a conversation; you just ask questions and I'm…I'm normally…uh…reticent. Why do you just stand there? (84)

Peter is telling Jerry that he doesn't communicate well—and then he's saying that he, Peter, doesn't communicate well either. Neither of them communicates well. No wonder this play is so confusing.

Quote #6

JERRY: ...What's your name? Your first name?
PETER: I'm Peter.
JERRY: I'd forgotten to ask you. I'm Jerry.
PETER: (With a slight nervous laugh) Hello, Jerry. (118-121)

Peter and Jerry finally introduce themselves a good long way into the play. They've gone from strangers to acquaintances, just because they have given each other a name. That's how language works. But of course they still don't really know each other that well yet, but that sort of thing takes time.