The Zoo Story Philosophical Viewpoint: The Absurd Quotes

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Quote #10

JERRY: Is this the thing in the world you'd fight for? Can you think of anything more absurd?
PETER: Absurd? Look, I'm not going to talk to you about honor, or even try to explain it to you. Besides, it isn't a question of honor; but even if it were, you wouldn't understand. (248)

There's the word! "Absurd." Jerry's saying that Peter is absurd to care about fighting for his bench, and Peter more or less proves his point by babbling about honor, as if there's something particularly honorable about fighting for a bench. But people do fight for stuff, and does it ever make much more sense than fighting for a bench? In a world that doesn't make any sense, where life is meaningless, why worry about which bench you're sitting on? (Though, admittedly, some benches are more comfortable than others.)