Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Stanza.Line)

Quote #4

"We're fair," said the bug.
"We'll decide this by vote.
All those in favor of going, say 'AYE,'
All those in favor of staying, say 'NAY'."


"AYE!" shouted Thidwick,
But when he was done… (31.1-4; 32.1-2)

Thidwick tries to stand up for himself, but he lets the vote of the others squash his own voice. In this relationship, kindness is a one-way street, and Thidwick is dazed with that moose-in-the-headlights looks.

Quote #5

And he called to the pests on his horns as he threw 'em,

"You wanted my horns; now you're quite welcome to 'em!

Keep 'em! They're yours!" (48.1-3)

Thidwick has finally decided to be compassionate to the one person who needs it most: himself. Sometimes you've got to be a little cruel to be kind.