Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose Greed Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Stanza.Line)

Quote #4

"STOP!" screamed his guests. "You can't do this to us!

These horns are our home and you've no right to take

Our home to the far distant side of the lake!" (29.1-4)

It's possible there's a greed meets environmentalism message here. Assuming this is the squatters' homes, then they aren't treating it very well. Thidwick will die out from underneath them if he doesn't get to the south side of Lake Winna-Bango. Maybe if they worked with Thidwick, they could find a solution to everyone's advantage. Hey, Seuss did write The Lorax after all, so he's no stranger to environmental messages.

Quote #5

His old horns today are

Where you knew they would be.

His guests are still on them,

All stuffed, as they should be. (50.1-4)

And the critter squatters meet their oh-so timely demise at the hands of their greed. At least they didn't go to waste. That is one stunning wall mount; we're sure it'll be the talk of every Harvard Club brandy and cigar party for years to come.