Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose Morality and Ethics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Stanza.Line)

Quote #4

"We win!" screamed the guests, "by a very large score!"

And poor, starving Thidwick climbed back on the shore.

Then, do you know what those pests did?

They asked in some more! (34.1-4)

Children and adults typically use the majority rules method to fairly answer such important questions as "What board game to play?" or "What movie should we watch?" In fact, the only question this method can never solve is who should get the last piece of pizza—an answer that can only come after a free-for-all thumb-wrestling brawl.

Again, we see Thidwick's tale turning a traditionally sound moral strategy on its head and saying the majority is not always right simply due to greater numbers.

Quote #5

And he called to the pests on his horns as he threw 'em,

"You wanted my horns; now you're quite welcome to 'em!

Keep 'em! They're yours! As for ME, I shall take

Myself to the far distant

Side of the lake!" (48.1-6)

Ha. We love this ending because Thidwick learns his lesson but remains true to himself. Big-hearted to the end, he gives his guests exactly what they want—his antlers. While children may not be able to define irony, they'll know it when they see it.