Thor Scene 6 Summary

  • Thor's friends lament his exile, and Loki reveals that he secretly let Odin know that Thor planned to go to Jotunheim.
  • Sif comments on what a sneaky sneak Loki is, and there's some idle speculation that he may be the guy who let the giants into Asgard.
  • Loki goes to the vault to toy with the giants' power source, where he's interrupted by Odin.
  • Odin reveals that Loki is actually Laufey's son, and that he plucked him off of the battlefield as a baby to save his life.
  • Odin hoped that Loki would one day join Asgard and Jotunheim into one kingdom.
  • Loki takes the news badly—really badly—and the argument sends Odin into a cosmic recharge cycle known as Odinsleep.