Thor Scene 7 Summary

  • Jane and her friends take Thor out for pancakes. A lot of pancakes.
  • Two other patrons at the diner talk about the hammer in the desert that no one seems to be able to lift.
  • Thor insists on going out to get it…since it's his hammer, after all, and he's pretty sure it will make him all cool and godly again.
  • Jane considers driving him to the hammer, but Erik talks her out of it; all of Thor's godhood talk has given him a serious case of the willies.
  • Jane agrees with Erik and Thor bids the trio farewell: that hammer ain't gonna reclaim itself.
  • They head back to their headquarters, only to find SHIELD's Agent Coulson (Clark Gregg) taking all of their stuff (some kind of national security thing).
  • They mope on the roof before Jane decides to find Thor.