Thor Scene 9 Summary

  • Erik finds a book of Norse mythology in the library and takes it with him to demonstrate how silly Thor's ravings are.
  • Thor's busy canvasing the local pet shop for something he can ride; Jane offers to take him to the hammer site if he'll help get her notebook back.
  • Back on Asgard, Loki mopes over Odin's body, while Odin's wife Frigga (Rene Russo), reminds him that Odin does everything for a reason.
  • Jane and Thor arrive at the site in the dark, while a thunderstorm kicks up.
  • Jane calls Erik to ask for help while Thor sneaks onto the site and starts pummeling the guards.
  • The guard-pummeling goes well and Thor makes his way to the hammer while SHIELD marksman Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner) looks on.
  • Thor grabs the hammer…and can't lift it. Guess he's not worthy after all.
  • The SHIELD agents take him into custody.
  • Jane heads back to her headquarters, where she and Erik debate whether or not Thor's an actual god.
  • Loki appears before Thor disguised as a SHIELD agent, claiming that Odin is dead and that he, Loki, is now king.
  • One lying lie isn't enough for Loki; he claims that Thor's exile led to Odin's death and that Thor has to stay in exile in order to avoid a war with Jotunheim.
  • Erik arrives to spring Thor, claiming that Thor is just a colleague who got cranky about SHIELD taking their stuff.
  • Coulson doesn't buy it, but lets the two go in order to tail them.