The Three Sisters Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #4

Kulygin: Masha, we're going to the headmaster's this afternoon at four. There's an outing for the teachers and their families. (1.158)

Masha is particularly miffed by Kulygin's control of her time, and bored to tears by his teacher buds. Though, frankly, she seems to do pretty much what she wants, when she wants.

Quote #5

Natasha: Andy, how come you never talk to me?
Andrey: Nothing; I was just thinking…What is there to say? (2.11-12)

Only two years into their marriage, Natasha and Andrey are already presenting an unappealing picture of the institution. Like Masha and Kulygin, they just can't communicate.

Quote #6

Masha: I got married when I was eighteen, and I was afraid of my husband because he was a teacher, and I was barely out of school. I used to think he was terribly wise, intelligent, and important. Now I've changed my mind. Unfortunately… (2.31)

Masha wants Moscow-level intellectual stimulation from her husband, and is bitterly disappointed by Kulygin. Guess that sets the scene for Vershinin…