The Three Sisters Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #7

Vershinin: We started fighting at seven this morning, and at nine I slammed the door and left. (2.40)

How much of Masha and Vershinin's mutual attraction stems from commiserating over their unsatisfactory marriages? Great foundation for a relationship, if you ask us…

Quote #8

Masha: The main thing is not to let Natasha find out he's lost all that money.
Irina: I don't think she even cares. (2.61-2)

Natasha and Andrey are recently married—Bobik's only a baby—but they've already drifted far apart.

Quote #9

Andrey: Nobody should get married. It's boring. (2.180)

Well, there you have it. Boredom is poison for the Prozorov family, which may explain why they're so bad at marriage.